A number of specialists with expertise in a wide range of topics who came together to provide the local and regional markets with boutique expert solutions, research, and advise. The decision to bring in this consortium of specialists was spurred by the market’s need for an upgraded consulting service entity that has the ability to create, innovate, analyze, ensure development and paves the way forward. Previous experiences of team combine not only a wide spectrum of domains, but also a wide spectrum of backgrounds and connections and understanding of the different theories of change and development.
In order to provide realistic solutions and accurate research, there is a need to bring in experts who have an eagle eye perspective on the different domains of development, opportunities, gaps and the linkages between them. Diverse specialist team also is able to link the different stakeholders within the different domains. Bringing in the public, private, NGO, civil society and the international community together according to the different fields is another asset of the team